Growing up my past was pretty decent. I'm not gonna lie. When I was younger all I liked was reading, soccer, and gaming. In elementary school I played soccer from 3rd to 5th grade, then I started to transition my “thing” to gaming which was mostly the Call of Duty Black Ops franchise. In elementary school I really liked to read and most of the books I read were more fiction than nonfiction. However I was never a fan of school, every year up until 3rd or 4th grade I cried for at least the entire first week of school and throughout the year I would ask my mom to let me stay home from school which she wouldn’t but my dad would so I’ve never had perfect attendance ever. Most of my friends now I’ve known since elementary and now that we are in highschool I can see them being life long friends I would even consider them family. We all grew up together and matured faster I would say than most kids that age and I think that’s why we are still friends because some people would fight with their friends and never talk to them again but not us, we never fight maybe some disagreements here and there but it was all just brushed off and never a problem. There were good times and bad times growing up but I would say it shaped me to the person I am today and was raised right. I also used to play golf kind of professionally.